The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from `n=n_(1)` to `n=n_(2)` state. The time period of the electron in the initial state `(n_(1))` is eigh times that in the final state `(n_(2))`. The possible values of `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` are
A. `n_(1)=8,n_(2)=1`
B. `n_(1)=4, n_(2)=2`
C. `n_(1)=2,n_(2)=4`
D. `n_(1)1, n_(2)=8`

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Correct Answer - B
In a hydrogen atom the time period is given by `Tpropn^(3)`
`(T_(1))/(T_(2))=((n_(1))/(n_(2)))^(3)rArr(8)/(1) ((n_(1))/(n_(3)))^(3)rArr(n_1)/(n_(2))=(2)/(1)` ltbnrgt Thus, the values must be `n_(1)=4 and n_(2)=2`

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