What will be the energy change in the following nuclear reaction,
`X^(40) + ._(0)n^(1) rarr Y^(30)+Z^(11)`
if binding energy per nucleon of X,Y and Z is 9, 7 and 6 MeV respectively.
A. Energy released 84 MeV.
B. Energy absorbed 84 MeV
C. Energy released 4 MeV
D. Energy absorbed 4 MeV.

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Correct Answer - B
Since B.E./Nucleon of Reactants is high energy will be absorbed,
Net energy absorbed =(Bond energy of Reactant nucleus )-(Total bond energy of Product Nuclei)
` =(40 xx 9)-(30 xx7 ) - (11 xx 6) = 84 MeV`