The rate of reaction depends on the concentration of the reacting species, i.e., reactants in rate equations or rate law, consider the gaseous reactions:
`aA bB to "Products"`
The rate laws is `r=k[AP][Y]^(y)`
Here (x+y) is the order with respect to that reactant will be taken as zero.
In the reaction `A+B to "Products"`, if the concentration of B is kept fixed and the concentration of A is increased 3 times, the reaction rate increases 27 times. If the concentration of both A and B are doubled, then the increases 8 times. The order w.r.t. A is:
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. zero

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Correct Answer - A
a) in the first experiment, Rate `propto [A]^(x)`
`[3]^(3)=27 propto [3]^(x)`