Match the compounds in the List with that in List II
`{:("List I","List II"),((a)XeO_3,"1.Planar triangular"),((b)XeOF_4,"2. T-shape"),((c )BO_3^(3-),"3. Trigonal pyramid"),((d)ClF_3,"4. Square pyramid"),((e)I_3^(-)(aq),"5. Linear"),(,"6.Bent"):}`
A. a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2,e-5
B. a -2,b-4, c-1,d-3, e-6
C. a-3, b-4,c-1,d-2,e- 6
D. a-3,b-4, c-1, d-2 , e-5

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Correct Answer - D
`XeO_3`=Trigonal pyramid
`XeOF_4` =Square pyramid.
`BO_3^(3-)`= Planar triangular
`ClF_3`= T Shaped
`I_3^(-)` = Linear
i.e., a-3,b-4,c-1,d-2 and e-5

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