Match List I (compound) with List II (use) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
`{:(" List I"," List II"),("I Acetyl salicylic acid","(a) Insecticide"),("II D.D.T.","(b) Drug"),("III Napthalene","(c) Moth repelling"),("IV Carbon tetrachloride","(d) Fire extinguisher"),(,"(e) Refrigerant"):}`
A. I b, II a, III c, IV d
B. I e, II c, III d, IV a
C. I b, II c, III d, IV a
D. I e, II a, III c, IV d

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Correct Answer - A
I (Acetyl salicylic acid)-b (Drug)
II (D.D.T)-a (Insecticide)
III (Naphthalene)-c (Moth repellent)
IV (Carbon tetrachloride)-d (Fire extinguisher)

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