Match list I with list II and slect the correct anser using the codes below the lists.
`{:("List I", "List II"),("Reactants", "Products"),((i)CH_(3)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)Br+KOH_((alc)),(1)"cis 2-butane"),((ii)CH_(3)CH_(2)CHBrCH_(3)KOH_((alc)),(2)"trans 2-butane"),((iii) (CH_(3))_(3)CBr+KOH_((alc)),(3) 1-"butane"),(,(4) 2-"methyl 1- propan"):}`
A. `{:(""(i),(ii),(iii)),(2,1,3):}`
B. `{:(""(i),(ii),(iii)),(3,4,1):}`
C. `{:(""(i),(ii),(iii)),(3,1,4):}`
D. `{:(""(i),(ii),(iii)),(3,2,4):}`

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Correct Answer - D
the relatie order or reactivies of the alkyl halides is `3^(@) gt 2^(@)gt 1^(@)`. The most trans isomer dominates over cis isomer.

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