Acids are the substances which turn blue litmus solution red and are sour in taste. There are different types of acids like mineral acids, organic acids, dilute acids and concentrated acids. All living things are very sensitive to acids and too much acids can kill cells or stop proper working of the cells. Concentrated acids are very dangerous and should never be handled without protection. 

(i) What are organic acids ? Give two examples. 

(ii) Why concentrated acids are dangerous ? 

(iii) Comment on the statement - "Regular drinking of cold drinks and eating of chocolates should be avoided." Give a valid reason to justify

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(i) The acids which are obtained from plants and animals are called organic acids.

Citric acid is obtained from the lemon.

Vinegar contains acetic acid.

(ii) Concentrated acids are very hot when they fall on any object (clothes or skin), they burn the object.

(iii) Cold drinks, chocolates and sweets are most harmful to health as well as a tooth. They produce acids in the mouth which are responsible for tooth decay. It has been noticed that tooth gets dissolved in the cold drinks if kept for long time .