How can solar energy solve the energy problem to some extent in India? Give your opinion.

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(i) India is a tropical country, therefore it receives sunlight in abundance throughout the year.

(ii) Solar plant can be easily established in rural and remote areas.

(iii) It will minimise the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and adequate quantity of manure.


1. India is a tropical country; it has enormous possibilities of tapping solar energy.

2. Solar energy is an important alternate source.

3. Government should educate the people for maximum use of solar energy.

4. Government should give incentives and promote solar energy production in India.

5. The use of solar energy will be able to minimize the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes.

6. It will contribute to environmental conservation.

7. The use of solar energy will reduce the pressure on conventional sources of energy.