What problem did the villagers in Hardas village face? What did they do to solve this problem?

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The main problem which the people of the Hardas village faced was acute shotage of water. The hand pump water has gone well below the point up to which the ground has been drilled. They hardly get any water in the taps. Women have to go to the Suru river which is 3 k.m. away to get water. The villagers gathered together in the Gram Sabha meeting to find a solution of the problem.After long discussions,they came to a conclusion that they should find ways to conserve water like

Piping water from the river Suru and making an overhead tank in the village. 

Deepen the hand pumps and clean the wells for this session. 

Planting trees and construct check-dams and tanks etc. 

Finally,they came with the permanent solution of conserving water or watershed development.