A lot of people from other places to Jasma’s village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers?

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The people who came to Jasma’s village for help were: 

(i) People from the cities.

 (ii) Scientists, architect and engineers. 

(iii) Non-government and Voluntary organizations

(iv) Some doctors 

(v) State Minister and other political leaders These people helped the villagers in a number of ways, such as: 

(i) People from the cities with food, medicines and clothes. They also helped to put up the tents. 

(ii) The scientists tried to find out which areas have more chances of having earthquake and they gave an alarming signal to the villagers to keep them away from these places. 

(iii) The engineers and architects showed them some special designs for houses that would not get much damaged in an earthquake. 

(iv) The non-government voluntary organizations helped the people by providing them foods, clothes, tents to make huts etc.

 (v) Doctors and nurses provided them free first aid and treatment. 

(vi) The state minister and other political leaders provided the people various basic things like food grains, vegetables, compensatory money etc.

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