What is Solar cell panel ? Name two materials used for making solar cell. Write two limitations of solar cells.

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Solar cell panel comprises of a large number of solar cells and can provide a much higher power for many uses. Two materials used for making solar cell are Gallium and Silicon Limitations of Solar cells :
(i) It is not available in night and on a cloudy day.
(ii) Energy reaching the surface is very much diffused, so its direct utility is limited.

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Solar cell panel comprises of a large number of solar cells and can provide a much higher power for many uses.

Two materials used for making solar cell are Gallium and Silicon.

Limitations of Solar cells-

(i) It is not available in night and on a cloudy day.

(ii) Energy reaching the surface is very much diffused  so direct utility is limited

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Solar cell panel comprises a large number of solar cells and can provide a much higher power for many uses. 

Two materials used for making solar cell are Gallium and Silicon. 

Limitations of Solar cells : 

(i) It is not available in night and on a cloudy day. 

(ii) Energy reaching the surface is very much diffused, so its direct utility is limited.

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