“Involvement in physical activities for longer period of the time with moderate intensity can improve the quality of life.” Justify your answer. 

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Keeping the below-mentioned points into consideration one can justify: 

1. Health 

2. Self-esteem 

3. Goal setting values 

4. Money 

5. Work 

6. Play 

7. Learning 

8. Creativity 

9. Helping 

10. Love 

11. Friends 

12. Children 

13. Relatives 

14. Home 

15. Neighbourhood 16. Community

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App

Keeping the below mentioned points into consideration one can justify: 

1. Health 

2. Self-esteem 

3. Goal setting values 

4. Money 

5. Work 

6. Play 

7. Learning 

8. Creativity 

9. Helping 

10. Love 

11. Friends 

12. Children 

13. Relatives 

14. Home 

15. Neighbourhood 

16. Community

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App