A simple pendulum fixed in a car has a time period of 4 seconds when the car is moving uniformly on a horizontal road. When the accelerator is pressed, the time period changes to 3.99 seconds. Making an approximate analysis, find the acceleration of the car.

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From where does the 2Π√l/g^2+a• come from ?

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Hi Princy Meshram, We know from Period equation that the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T = 2π√ L/g.
    T is the period in seconds (s)
    π is the Greek letter pi and is approximately 3.14
    √ is the square root of what is included in the parentheses
    L is the length of the rod or wire in meters or feet
    g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s² or 32 ft/s² on Earth)

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