The teacher explained in the class that reproduction is the process by which organisms increase their population. Manoj wanted to know more about the reproductive-health. Therefore, the teacher also explained in the class about the
diseases that can be transmitted, if proper care is not taken.
(i) Why is the increasing human population a cause of concern for all of us ?
(ii) Name two diseases that can be sexually transmitted.
(iii) State one value each displayed by Manoj and his teacher.

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i) Because natural resources are limited, and it would be difficult to sustain a large population on limited resources
ii) HIV-AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Warts ( any two)
iii) Manoj- Inquisitive, understands the need for healthy living (any one) Teacher – concerned, dutiful


(i) Because natural resources are limited and it would be difficult to sustain a large population on limited resources.

(ii) HIV- AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Warts (any two)

(iii) Manoj- Inquisitive, understands the need for healthy living (anyone) 

Teacher-concerned, dutiful