Write in details about the physical and physiological advantages of physical exercise during the childhood stages. Explain any Five.

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There are various physical and physiological advantages of exercise for children which are described below:

  1. Exercise Controls Weight: Regular exercise helps in controlling weight. In fact weight gain occurs when child takes more calories than the requirement of his body. The unused or excess calories are accumulated as fats in his body. In this way, he starts gaining weight which ultimately leads him towards overweight and obesity. Nowadays a lot of children not only in India but throughout the world are getting obese which is the root cause of various physiological problems. Regular exercise helps such children in burning excess calories. The more intense the activity or exercise, the more calories they burn. Regular exercise takes the fat away and lowers the excess weight. As a matter of fact, exercise is beneficial for children in preventing, controlling and maintaining weight.
  2. Exercise Strengthens Bones: Exercise builds strong bones. As a matter of fact, exercise increases bone density which helps in preventing osteoporosis. If regular exercise is not performed, the bones usually lose their density, become weak, fragile and porous. Hence, exercise is beneficial for strengthening the bones.
  3. Exercise Strengthens the Lungs: Exercise is beneficial for children because it enhances the lungs, capacity and their efficiency in inhalation and exhalation. It increases the size of lungs. Tidal air capacity and vital air capacity are increased. Even unused alveolus become active. So, it can be said that lungs are strengthened and becomes capable to perform various activities for a longer duration.
  4. Promotes Changes in the Brain Structure: Exercise changes the brain structure and functions in infants and young children which are beneficial for them. As a matter of fact, sensory stimulation through exercise is essential for maximum growth and development of the young nervous system. It also stimulates various chemicals which help the children to feel happier and more relaxed.
  5. Exercise Strengthens the Heart: Exercise improves the performance and efficiency of heart. The heart responds to exercise by becoming stronger and more efficient. Exercise not only makes the muscles of heart stronger but increases its size also. Exercise helps in increasing stroke volume, cardiac output, blood volume and total haemoglobin which ultimately improves the function of heart.
  6. Exercise Boosts Energy Level: Regular exercise usually make the children more energetic. It allows them to be more active and provides enough energy to do a number of activities without getting fatigue. Owing to that children do not get tired and continue to perform many forms of activities for longer duration. Exercise helps in delivering oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. It improves the cardiovascular system to work more efficiently which ultimately boosts the energy level.
  7. Exercise Reduces Blood Sugar Level: Nowadays, the high blood sugar level is not only the problem of adults but children are also falling into the trap of high sugar level. Exercise is beneficial in preventing sugar from accumulating in the blood by triggering muscles to take up more glucose from blood and use it for energy. Exercise also enhances the level of insulin which also helps in utilizing the sugar level already accumulated in the blood. In fact, it finally reduces the risk of developing diabetes in children.
  8. Exercise Builds Strong and Healthy Muscles: Exercise is beneficial in building strong and healthy muscles. Due to exercise non-functioning muscle fibres become active. Consequently the strength of muscles increases because the total contractile power of muscle fibres increases. By having strong muscles, children are not likely to have the problem of postural deformities. So they should perform exercise to build strong muscles.
  9. Exercise Helps in Motor Development: Exercise helps in motor development of infants and children at a faster rate which ultimately helps in making fine movements in later life. By performing exercise in early age the movements of muscles become efficient and smooth. It can also be said that their movements become more attractive.
  10. Exercise Helps in Digestive Process: During childhood, the growth and development takes place at a faster rate, so for proper growth and development digestive process should be efficient. Research studies indicate that exercise is beneficial for improving the digestive process. It removes constipation, helps in making the absorption of food efficient. Food is also digested properly because glands also start working efficiently.
  11. Exercise Improves Neuromuscular Coordination: Exercise improves neuromuscular coordination. It takes place more efficiently during stage of childhood. Exercise helps in achieving coordination of nerves and muscles. It is really beneficial for children because it is required to make fine, precise, systematic and balanced movements which are required not only in the field of games and sports but in every facets of life. It can also be alluded that exercise leads to proficiency in neuromuscular skills that are the basis of successful participation in games and sports in the coming years or in adolescence and adulthood. It also increases maximum strength and explosive power.
  12. Exercise Helps in Staying Healthy: Exercise is beneficial for children because it helps in staying healthy. In fact, it increases the immunity power of children that helps in avoiding diseases. Owing to the craze after fast foods most of the children are falling prey i.e. various diseases or disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and some kinds of cancer. If they do exercise regularly they may remain healthy which is beneficial for children to lead a fruitful life in future.
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