Sports are good for all age groups. Competitive sports are a showcase of power at the international arena. Supremacy over the other country is indirectly shown by standing at the top of the medal tally. To achieve their target few countries are imparting very strict training to growing children. Over the years many organizations have raised their voice against the intensity with which training is scheduled for making an international athlete.

(i). Elaborate any two physiological benefits of exercise in children.

(ii). What are the disadvantages of giving high-intensity training to the growing children?

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Physiological benefits of exercise in children

  1. Exercise controls weight
  2. Strength the bones
  3. Strength the lungs
  4. Promote changes in the brain structure
  5. Strength the Heart
  6. Boost energy level
  7. Reduce blood sugar level
  8. Builds strong and healthy muscles
  9. Motor development
  10. Helps in digestive process
  11. Improves neuro muscular co-ordination
  12. Help in staying healthy

Disadvantages of giving high intensity training to the growing children

  1. Stress/fatigue
  2. Chances of overload
  3. Early maturity
  4. Can reach too early top form
  5. Less flexibility
  6. Chances of injury
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