Mr. Vinay is a physical education teacher in a govt. school and he was a rencwned national level long jumper during his teenage. Mahesh is also a long jumper & his landing is improper. So he lost his position. Mahesh went to Mr. Vinay to seek help Mr. Vinay gave him proper scientific technique tip to follow correct body posture while landing & also motivated to utilize the same jump consistant practice. After the one year of training mahesh won gold medal in the Inter Zonal Athletic Meet. 

I. What was the problem facing by Mahesh body? 

II. State the qualities of Mr. Vinay as a coach? 

III. Explain the role of coach in the life of a sports man?

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Ans.(i) He was facing problem in landing technique of Long Jump/ Mahesh was facing the problem of improper Landing in his long jump event so he didn’t win any medal in the athletic meet. 

(ii) Mr. Vinay has following qualities. 1. Good motivate, 2, Dutifulness, 3. Knowledge of scientific techniques or masteng in skill, 4. Helping attitude, 5. Good cocordination. 

(iii) As a coach he can play in two different areas :- i. Information feed back, implimentation in respective field of skill. ii. Suggest, refer, engage with field experts.

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