

Option 4 : Only actions I and III should be followed

Courses of Action:

I. Public should be made more aware about the issue so that public participation in eradicating polio increases → should be followed.

So, course of action I follows.

II. It is the government’s responsibility and the public has no role in eradication of polio, hence public shall not be involved → it is public's responsibility too.

So, course of action II does not follow.

III. Both government and the public should continue putting in their best efforts to eradicate polio → should be followed as it is the responsibility of both the government and the public.

So, course of action III follows.

Hence, only actions I and III be followed.

Some rules to solve Statements and Course of action questions must be kept in mind while solving it.

Rule 1. Have an unbiased and neutral mind frame. Individual perception must not be used to judge the course of action to be taken.

Rule 2. The first step should be to identify the root cause of the problem. Once the problem is solved, a logical mindset should be employed to figure out the course of action.

Rule 3. There must be no extremity involved in the course of action.

Rule 4. A course of action must be able to solve, reduce, or minimize the problem given in the situation.

Rule 5. The course of action can be said to solve/reduce the problem when it is an established fact, when it is logically possible and when it is known from experience.