The cost of 48 bags of rice is ₹ 16,800 then the cost of 36 such bags is ………………. 

A) ₹ 10,300 

B) ₹ 11,600 

C) ₹ 10,600 

D) ₹ 12,600

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Correct option is (D) ₹ 12,600

\(\because\) The cost of 48 bags of rice = Rs 16,800

\(\therefore\) The cost of 36 bags of rice \(=Rs\,(\frac{16800}{48}\times36)\)

\(=Rs\,(\frac{1050}3\times36)\) \(=Rs\,(1050\times12)\)

= Rs 12600

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Correct option is  D) ₹ 12,600

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