The modal letter of the letters of the word “ASSESSMENTS” 

A) A 

B) E 

C) S 

D) T

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Correct option is (C) \(\frac5{11}\)

Total number of S's in "ASSESSMENTS" = 5,

Total number of E's in "ASSESSMENTS" = 2,

A, M, N & T are 1 time occur in word "ASSESSMENTS".

\(\therefore\) Total letters in word "ASSESSMENTS" = 11

\(\because\) One letter is randomly selected from the word "ASSESSMENTS".

\(\therefore\) Probability that selected letter is 'S' \(=\frac{\text{Total S's in "ASSESSMENTS"}}{\text{Total letter in "ASSESSMENTS"}}\)


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Correct option is  C) S

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