A letter is chosen at random from the word “ROSE”. Find the probability, that the letter chosen is a vowel. 

A) 1/4

B) 3/4

C) 1/2

D) 2/5

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Correct option is (C) 1/2

R & S are consonant and 0 & E are vowels in word ROSE.

Total number of letters in ROSE is n(S) = 4

Total vowel letters in ROSE is n(V) = 2

\(\therefore\) P(V) \(=\frac{n(V)}{n(S)}=\frac24=\frac12\)

Hence, the probability that the letter chosen is a vowel is \(\frac{1}{2}.\)

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Correct option is  C) 1/2 

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