Fill in the blanks by selecting the correct word from the bracket and complete the given paragraph. 

(heart, chondrium, peristomium, bone, perichondrium, ossein, pubic symphysis, cartilage, lacunae, chondrocytes)

_______ is a pliable yet tough supporting connective tissue. Its matrix is surrounded by a sheath of collagenous fibres called _______ . The matrix is called ________ . In chondroblasts mature and get converted into ________ which are enclosed in the ________ in the matrix. This type of connective tissue is generally found in the _______ , ear lobe, etc.

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Cartilage is a pliable yet tough supporting connective tissue. Its matrix is surrounded by a sheath of collagenous fibres called perichondrium. The matrix is called chondrin. The chondroblasts mature and get converted into chondrocytes which are enclosed in the lacunae in the matrix. This type of connective tissue is generally found in the pubic symphysis, ear lobe, etc.

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