What is connective tissue? Write its characteristics.

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Connective tissue is the most widely spread tissue in the body which binds, supports and provides strength to other body tissues and organs. 


1. It consists of a variety of cells and fibres which are embedded in the abundant intercellular substance called matrix. 

2. It is a highly vascular tissue, except cartilage. 

3. The connective tissue is classified on the basis of matrix present, into three types, namely connective tissue proper, supporting connective tissue and fluid connective tissue. 

a. Connective tissue proper is further classified as loose connective tissue (e.g. areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue) and dense connective tissue (e.g. ligament and tendon). 

b. Supporting connective tissue also called skeletal tissue includes cartilage and bone.

c. Fluid connective tissue includes blood and lymph. 

4. Functions: Connective tissue protects the vital organs of the body. It acts as packing material and also helps in healing process.