Read the para given below and answer the questions.

Columbus landed up on what today are called the West Indies – the islands off the coast of South America. He had thought that he had reached India and called the local people ‘Indians’. (That is why the original inhabitants of America are called Native Indians today.) After Columbus the Spanish government sent several expeditions to conquer America and plunder it. They expected to find gold and silver mines and vast quantities of these precious metals with local kings. Cortez, a Spanish conqueror led an expedition to massacre the people and plunder Mexico.

1. Similarly another conqueror named Pizarro plundered and conquered Peru. In 1492 who discovered central America? 

A) Amerigo Vespuchi 

B) Columbus 

C) Vasco da Gama

D) Magillan

2. Which Spanish conqueror occupied Mexico? 

A) Pizarro 

B) Cortez 

C) Cameroon 

D) Livingstone

3. Name the person, who plundered and conquered Peru. 

A) Ghazani 

B) Ghori

C) Pizarro 

D) Cortez

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Answer is (C) Pizarro

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