A constant force acting on a body of mass 3 kg changes its speed from 2 ms-1 to 3.5 m/s in 25 s. The direction of motion of the body remains unchanged. What is the magnitude and direction of the force?

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Given: u = 2 ms-1, m = 3 kg,

v = 3.5 m s-1, t = 25s

To find: Force (F)

Formula: F = ma

Calculation: Since, v = u + at

∴ 3.5 = 2 + a × 25

a = \(\frac{3.5-2}{25}\) = 0.06 m s-2

From formula,

F = 3 × 0.06 = 0.18 N

Since, the applied force increases the speed of the body, it acts in the direction of the motion.

The applied force is 0.18 N along the direction of motion.

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