A body projected vertically upwards, reaches a height of 180 m. Find out `[g=10ms^(-2)]`
(i) intial velocity of body
(ii) time taken by body to reach its maximum hight
(iii) the time for which the body remains in air
(iv) height of the body from the ground after 8 sec.
(v) velocity of body at t=8 sec
(vi) the time at which the body reach the height of 100 m
(vii) A man at height of 135 m from ground tries to catch the body but he will be able to catch the body again ?

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Correct Answer - (i)`60m//s`
(ii) 6 sec
(iii) 12 sec
(iv )160 m
(vi) 2 sec, 10 sec
(vii) 6 sec

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