An object of mass 50 g moves uniformly along a circular orbit with an angular speed of 5 rad/s. If the linear speed of the particle is 25 m/s, is the radius of the circle?

Calculate the centripetal force acting on the particle.

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Given: ω = 5 rad/s, v = 25 m/s,

m = 50 g = 0.05 kg

To find: radius (r), centipetal force (F)

Formula: (i) v = ωr

(ii) F = \(\frac{mv^2}{r}\)

Calculation: From formula (i),

r = v/ω = 25/5 m = 5 m.

From formula (ii),

F = \(\frac{0.05\times25^2}{5}\) = 6.25 N.

(i) Radius of the circle is 5 m.

(ii) Centripetal force acting on the particle is 6.25 N.