Explain in brief, nuclear fission.

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i. Nuclear fission : 

It is a process which involves splitting of the heavy nucleus of an atom into two nearly equal fragments accompanied by release of the large amount of energy. 

e.g. Nuclear fission of 235U

ii. When a uranium nucleus absorbs neutron,

It breaks into two lighter fragments and releases energy (heat), more neutrons, and other radiation. 

This can be given as,

\(_{92}^{235}U\) \(_0^1n\) → \(_{56}^{142}Ba\) + \(_{36}^{91}Kr\) + \(3_0^1n\) + Energy

iii. Characteristics of nuclear fission reactions :

  • The mass of the fission products is less than the parent nucleus. A large amount of energy corresponding to the mass loss is released in each fission.
  • When one uranium 235 nucleus undergoes fission, three neutrons are emitted, which subsequently disintegrate three more uranium nuclei and thereby produce nine neutrons. Such a chain continues by itself.
  • In a very short time enormous amount of energy is liberated, which can be utilized for destructive or peaceful purposes.
  • Energy released per fission is approximately 200 MeV.

 Note :

  • Each fission may lead to different products.
  • There is no unique way for fission of 235U that produces Ba and Kr. There are 400 ways for fission of 235U leading to 800 fission products.
  • Many of these fission products are radioactive which undergo spontaneous disintegrations giving rise to new elements in the periodic table.