What is thermal stress? Give an example of disadvantages of thermal stress in practical use?

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1. Consider a metallic rod of length l0 fixed between two rigid supports at T°C. 

If the temperature of rod is increased by ∆T, length of rod would become, l = l0(1 + α∆T)

Where, α is the coefficient of linear expansion of material of the rod.

But the supports prevent expansion of rod. As a result, rod exerts stress on the supports. Such stress is termed as thermal stress.

2. Disadvantage: Thermal stress can lead to fracture or deformation in substance under certain conditions. 

3. Railway tracks are made up of metals which expand upon heating. If no gap is kept between tracks, in hot weather, expansion of metal tracks may exert thermal stress on track. This may lead to bending of tracks which would be dangerous. Hence, railway track is not a continuous piece but is made up of segments separated by gaps.

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