a. Amphibians and reptiles have a 3 chambered heart with ___atria and ___ventricle.
b. heart is ___derived organ and protected by a double walled membranous bag called____
c. The opening between right Atrium and Right ventricle is guarded by a valve formed of ___muscular flaps, the ___valve.
d. The wall of ventricle is ____than atria.
e. SAN can generate the maximum number of action potential i.e., ____ `mi n^(-1)`. therefore it is called_____
f Atrial systole increases the flow of lood into the ventricles by about ____percent.
g. In____ all the four chambers of the heart are in a relax state.
h. the ____wave represents the depolarisation of the atria.
i. A system of blood vessels is present in our body exlusively for the circulation of blood to and from the cardiac musculature called_____
j. PNA____ the rate of heart beat and______

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Correct Answer - a. 2,1
b. Mesodermal,Pericardium
c. 3,Tricuspid
d. Thicker.
e. 72, Pacemaker
f. 30%
g. Joint diastole
h. P
i. Coronary
j. Decrease, Cardiac output