Write a short note on amphibians.

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1. These animals live on land as well as in water (freshwater only). 

2. Amphibians are poikilothermic animals. 

3. Body is differentiated into head, and trunk. Neck and tail are absent in many adults with few exceptions. 

4. Two pairs of limbs arise from the pectoral and pelvic girdles respectively, which help in locomotion. 

5. Skin is moist and glandular with mucous glands. 

6. Exoskeleton is absent. 

7. Eyelids are present. Tympanum represents the ear. 

8. Excretory products, digestive products and gametes are released through the common chamber cloaca. 

9. Circulatory system is of closed type. Heart is threechambered and ventral. RBCs are biconvex and nucleated. 

10. Respiration is by skin, lungs and bucco-pharynx. 

11. Nervous system is well developed. 

12. Sexes are separate. Amphibians are oviparous. Fertilization is external and development is indirect through aquatic larval stage. 

13. They exhibit metamorphosis. e.g. Rana (Frog), Bufo (Toad), Salamandra (Salamander), Ichthyophis, Hyla (Tree frog), etc.

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