For the complex `K_(2)[Cr(NO)(NH_(3))(CN)_(4)],mu=1.73 BM`.
(i) Write IUPAC name.
(ii) What will be structure ?
(iii) How many unpaired electrons are present in the central metal ion ?
(iv) Is it paramagnetic or diamagnetic ?
(v) Calculate the EAN of the complex.
(vi) What will be the hybridisation of the complex.

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Correct Answer - (i) potassium amminetetracyanidonitrosoniumchromate(I)
(ii) Octahedral (iii) One unparied electron (iv) It is paramagnetic with one unpaired electron
(v) `EAN=24-1+2xx6=35` (iv) `d^(2)sp^(3)`

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