Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences.

(i) The minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting’s called proxy.

(ii) Director draft s the minutes of a meeting.

(iii) Voting by show of hands is a capitalistic method.

(iv) The ordinary resolution requires a 75% majority of votes.

(v) Agenda is a record of business transacted at the meeting.

(vi) A notice period of general meeting needs 7 clear days.

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(i) The minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting’s called Quorum.

(ii) Secretary draft s the minutes of a meeting.

(iii) Voting by show of hands is a democratic method.

(iv) A special resolution requires a 75% majority of votes.

(v) Minutes is a record of business transacted at the meeting.

(vi) A notice period of general meeting needs 21 clear days.

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