Complete the chain:

Measures Pre-disaster/ Post-disaster Structural or Non-Structural
(1) Public awareness (1) Post-disaster (1) Structural
(2) Preparedness of hospital (2) Post-disaster (2) Nonstructural
(3) Providing food and shelter to people (3) Pre-disaster (3) Structural
(4) Construction of river embankments (4) Post-disaster (4) Non-structural

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Measures Pre-disaster/ Post-disaster Structural or Non-Structural
(1) Public awareness (1)Pre-disaster (1) Non-structural
(2) Preparedness of hospital (2)Pre-disaster (2) structural
(3) Providing food and shelter to people (3)Post-disaster (3) Non-structural
(4) Construction of river embankments (4) Pre-disaster (4) structural

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