Complete the chain:

Types of Mass Wasting Characteristics Regions
(1) Creep (1) Rapid fall (1) Periglacial or alpine region
(2) Rockfall (2) Slowest moving (2) Hillsides in a humid region
(3) Earth flow (3) Slow downhill creep (3) Rocky areas
(4) Solifluction (4) Rapid or slow (4) Tops and basal portions of hills

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Types of Mass Wasting Characteristics Regions
(1) Creep (1) Slowest moving (1) Tops and basal portions of hills
(2) Rock fall (2) Rapid fall (2) Rocky areas
(3) Earth flow (3) Rapid or slow (3) Hill sides in humid region
(4) Solifluction (4) Slow downhill creep (4) Periglacial or alpine region

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