Draft the notice and agenda of routine board meetings.

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Registered Office: 12, Swaraj Excellency,

British Library Lane, F.C. Road, Pune-41100

CIN: BOO160MH20375JLB400180


Fax: 020-32194237

Website: www.inforttechnology.com.

E-mail: [email protected]

Date: 25th March 2019

Ref. No.: D/MR/13/19-20

The Director,

Mr. Anvit Gaurav Gaikwad,

Vastushodh, Building 42, Flat No. 107,

Urbangram, Kirkutwadi, Pune.

Sub: Notice of the Board Meeting dated

28th April 2019.

Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that the monthly Board meeting will be held on 28th April 2019 at 10.00 a.m. at the registered office of the company to transact the following business.


1. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting. 

2. To confirm the applications of shares. 

3. To consider the financial position of the company. 

4. To decide the date of the next board meeting. 

5. To discuss any other matter with the permission of the Chairman.

You are requested to be present at the meeting.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

for Infort Technology Ltd.


Company Secretary

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