Write your views/opinion in brief on the following topics.

(a) We must always cast our vote.

(b) Liberty, equality and fraternity lead to an ideal nation.

(c) Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality.

(d) Role of youth in creating awareness.

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(a) Voting is one of the fundamental duties of the citizen of a country. We have no right to criticize the works of the government if we abstain from voting which gives us a chance to choose suitable representative to govern the country. Our constitution has given the common man an important power and responsibility to select the right persons to take the country forward on the right path. We are supposed to discharge this duty judiciously.

(b The terms ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ were the mottos of French revolution. Liberty represents freedom and Indian constitution has specified various kinds of freedom for Indian citizens. Euqality stands for having equal law for all irrespective of caste, creed, gender or religion. Fraternity is associated with brotherhood among all communities of people sharing common interest and purpose. An ideal nation is recognized by the maintenance of an atmosphere of peace in all spheres of life. If the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are followed responsibly by the people of the country as well as the leaders governing them, the prosperity of the nation is assured.

(c) Inequality is a curse that can lead any nation to its doom. Inequality creates dissatisfaction and unrest among people who feel deprived. 

Some possible steps to eradicate inequality can be: 

(a) Remove poverty by reducing unequal distribution of resources and equal access to the opportunities as far as possible. 

(b) Advocate gender equality by preventing female foeticide and making provision for girls’ education and preventing early marriage.

(c) Investing in employment-oriented education for all, creating employment readiness among youth and institutions for skill development need to be encouraged. 

(d) Ensuring that all groups and communities can express their voice without fear. But the groups and communities also need to be responsible to avoid loss of lives, damage of public properties while expressing their grievances.

(e) Strictly eliminate caste discrimination which is still pervasive and is causing a serious threat to the progress of the country. To make the above steps successful is the joint responsibility of the government and the people of the country.

(d) Youths are the backbones of the society and that gives them the responsibility to act as catalysts for creating social awareness. Empowerment of the youth is one of the ways to fulfill the policies of good governance.

The social welfare units in the schools and colleges, NCC, NSS, etc., should be made more active and need to be made a part and parcel of the curriculum so that a large number of young minds are materialized to eradicate social evils like illiteracy, insanitation, superstitions, corruption. They can organize various cultural programmes like street plays, musical programmes with social messages, posters as well as power point presentations. 

They can set examples by fighting against various kinds of pollution with steps like quitting smoking, propagating against loud music, cleanliness, saving water. “Charity begins at home” thus, they need to bring about the change in their own habits and behaviour to create social awareness.

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