Study the following case and express your opinion:

Mr. P is elected as chairman of the General Meeting. Please advise him on the following matters:

i. What should be done if the votes cast in favour and against the motion are equal?

ii. How many votes can a member cast under the poll method?

iii. What should Mr. P do if any point of order is raised by a member?

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i. A chairman of the general meeting (Mr. P) can exercise casting votes in case of a tie in votes.

ii. Under the poll method, a member can cast his votes as per the number of shares held by him. ‘One shares One vote’ is a rule. Eg. If Mr. A has 100 shares, he can cast 100 votes.

iii. If the point of order is raised, Mr. P has to stop discussion on an original motion under discussion and give his ruling/decision immediately on point of order.

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