Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statement:

i. The secretary has to prepare ______ before the meeting. 

(a) resolution 

(b) notice 

(c) minutes

ii. General Meeting must have a notice of at least ______ clear days. 

(a) 7 

(b) 21 

(c) 14

iii. The gap between two annual general meetings should not be more than months. 

(a) 15 

(b) 18 

(c) 24

iv. Auditor is appointed in _______ 

(a) Annual General Meeting 

(b) Creditors Meeting 

(c) Extra ordinary General Meeting

v. The business transacted in extra ordinary general meeting is _______ business. 

(a) Ordinary 

(b) Routine 

(c) Special

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i. (b) notice

ii. (b) 21

iii. (a) 15

iv. (a) Annual General Meeting

v. (c) Special

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