Differentiate between :

Re-socialization and Adult Socialization

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Re-socialization Adult Socialization
(i) The process of unlearning old norms, roles and values, behavioural patterns and learning new patterns is called as re-socialization. (i) Adult socialization is a life long process and indicates continuous process of learning.
(ii) A prison sentence or a total institution is a good example of resocialization. (ii) One of the significant agents of adult socialization is the workplace.
(iii) Re-socialization involves a process of tearing down and re-building an individual’s role and socially constructed sense of self. (iii) Socialization through workplace involves acquiring new skills knowledge and behaviour patterns suitable to the requirements of the job.
(iv) It re-socializes people into changed identities and role. (iv) It helps in changing the notions of right and wrong.

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