C=100+0.4 Y is the consumption Function of an economy where C is consumption expenditure and Y is National income , Inestment expenditure is 1,100 calculate
Equilibrium level of National income
(ii) Consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of national income (set 1) in economy s=- 100+0.6 Y is the saving function ,where S is saving and Y is National income ..If investment is 1100 Calculate :
(i) Equilibrium level of National income
(ii) Consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of NAtional income .(set 2)
c=50+0.5 Y is the consumption fuca=tion where C is consumption and Y is National income and invesrment expenditure is 2.000 in an economy ,calculate
(i) equilibrium level Of (national ) income
(ii) Consumpton exendditture at equilibrium level of (National ) income (set 3)

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Correct Answer - {(Rs. 2000;(ii) Rs.900)}
{(Rs.2000;(ii) Rs.900)}
{(Rs.4100;(ii) Rs.2100)}

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