Choose the correct alternative and complete the statement :

(i) Social group is a system of ………………….. 

(social status / social group / social interaction)

(ii) ‘We feeling’ leads to …………………. consciousness. 

(collective / political / religious)

(iii) ………………….. is the smallest of all social groups. 

(Dyad / Primary Group / Triad)

(iv) The term ………………… was coined by Charles Horton Cooley. 

(Primary Group / Secondary Group / Triad)

(v) ………………… is the first sociologist to emphasise the importance of interaction processes within groups. 

(Charles Elwood / George Simmel / Charles Horton)

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(i) social interaction

(ii) collective

(iii) Dyad

(iv) Primary Group

(v) George Simmel

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