Choose the correct alternative and complete the statement :

(i) An ………………… is a group or category to which people feel they do not belong. 

(in-group / out-group / voluntary group)

(ii) …………………. membership is based on deliberate choice. 

(Involuntary group / Small group / Voluntary group)

(iii) In ……………………. group the relations among its members are normally indirect. 

(secondary / primary / voluntary)

(iv) A group that guides our behaviour and attitudes, is called as ………………… 

(reference group / voluntary group / primary group)

(v) ………………. laws are not written but orally transmitted. 

(Enacted / Customary / External)

(vi) …………….. are more rigid than folkways. 

(Customs / Rules / Mores)

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(i) out-group

(ii) Voluntary group

(iii) secondary

(iv) reference group

(v) Customary

(vi) Mores