If `a , b , c` are non-zero, then the system of equations `(alpha+a)x+alphay+alphaz=0,alphax+(alpha+b)y+alphaz=0,alphax+alphay+(alpha+c)z=0` has a non-trivial solution if `alpha^(-1)=-(a^(-1)+b^(-1)+c^(-1))` b. `alpha^(-1)=a+b+c` c.`alpha+a+b+c=1` d. none of these
A. `2alpha=a+b+c`
B. `alpha^(-1)=a+b+c`
C. `alpha+a+b+c=1`
D. `alpha^(-1)=-(a^(-1)+b^(-1)+c^(-1))`

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Correct Answer - D
`(d)` The given system of equations will have a non-trivial solution if
Operate `R_(2)toR_(2)-R_(1)` , `R_(3)-R_(3)-R_(1)`, then
Since, `a,b,c ne 0`
`:.(1)/(alpha)=-((1)/(a)+(1)/(b)+(1)/(c ))`

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