Write the outer electronic configuration of the following using orbital notation method. Justify.

A. Ge (belongs to period 4 and group 14) 

B. Po (belongs to period 6 and group 16) 

C. Cu (belongs to period 4 and group 11)

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A. Ge (belongs to period 4 and group 14) :

a. Ge belongs to period 4.


n = 4.

b. Group 14 indicates that the element belongs to the p-block of the modem periodic table.

c. The general outer electronic configuration of group 14 elements is nsnp2

d. Thus, the outer electronic configuration of Ge is 4s2 4p2.

B. Po (belongs to period 6 and group 16) :

a. Po belongs to period 6. 


n = 6.

b. Group 16 indicates that the element belongs to the p-block of the modem periodic table.

c. The general outer electronic configuration of group 16 elements is ns2 np4.

d. Thus, the outer electronic configuration of Po is 6s2 6p4.

C. Cu (belongs to period 4 and group 11) :

a. Cu belongs to period 4. 


n = 4.

b. Group 11 indicates that the element belongs to the d-block of the modem periodic table.

c. The general outer electronic configuration of the d-block elements is ns0-2 (n-1)d1-10.

d. The expected configuration of Cu is 4s2 3d9


The observed configuration of Cu is 4s1 3d10

This is due to the extra stability associated with completely filled d-subshell. 


The outer electronic configuration of Cu is 4s1 3d10.

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