Let `n_(1)and n_(2)` be the number of red and black balls, respectively, in box I. Let `n_(3) and n_(4)` be the numbers of red and black balls, respectively, in the box II.
One of the two boxes, box I and II, was selected at random and a ball was drawn randomly our of this box. The ball was found to be red. If the probability that this red with the possible values of `n_(1),n_(2),n_(3)and n_(4)` is (are)
A. `n_(1)=3,n_(2)=3,n_(3)=5, n_(4)=15`
B. `n_(1)=3,n_(2)=6,n_(3)=10, n_(4)=50`
C. `n_(1)=8,n_(2)=6,n_(3)=5, n_(4)=20`
D. `n_(1)=6,n_(2)=12,n_(3)=5, n_(4)=20`

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Correct Answer - A::B
`Red ton_(1)`
` "Box" IltBlack ton_(2)`
`Red to n_(3)`
`"Box II"lt"Black" to n_(4)`
`P (II//R) =(1/2(n_(3))/(n_(3)+n_(4)))/(1/2(n_(1))/(n_(1)+n_(2))+1/2.(n_(3))/(n_(3)+n_(4)))`
by option `n_(1)=3,n_(2)=3,n_(3)=5,n_(4)=15`
Also, when `n_(1)=3, n_(2),=6,n_(3)=10, n_(4)=50,P(II//R)=1//3`