An urn contains three red balls and n white balls. Mr. A draws two balls together from the urn. The probability that they have the same color is `1//2.` Mr.B draws one ball from the urn, notes its color and rplaces it. He then draws a second ball from the urn and finds that both balls have the same color is `5//8.` The value of n is ____.
A. 9
B. 6
C. 5
D. 1

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Correct Answer - D
In the first case, the urn contains 3 red and n white balls. The probability that color of both the balls matches is
`impliesn=1 or 6" "(1)`
In the second case,
Solving, we get
`n^(2)-10n +9=0" "(2)`
`implies n=9 or 1.
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we have n=1.