A fair coin is tossed 100 times. The probability of getting tails 1, 3, .., 49 times is `1//2` b. `1//4` c. `1//8` d. `1//16`
A. `1//2`
B. `1//4`
C. `1//8`
D. `1//16`

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Correct Answer - B
Let the probability of getting a tail in a single trial be `p=1//2.` The number of trials be n=100 and the number of trials in 100 trials be X.
Now, `N P(X=1)+P(X=3)+...+P(X=49)`
`But ""^(100)C_(1)+""^(100)C_(3)+...+""^(100)C_(99)=2^(99)`
Also, `""^(100)C_(99)=""^(100)C_(1)`
Thus, `2(""^(100)C_(1)+""^(100)C_(3)+...+""^(100)C_(49)=2^(99)`
Therefore, probability of required event is

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