A coin is tossed `2n` times. The chance that the number of times one gets head is not equal to the number of times one gets tails is `((2n !))/((n !)^2)(1/2)^(2n)` b. `1-((2n !))/((n !)^2)` c. `1-((2n !))/((n !)^2)1/(4^n)^` d. none of these
A. `((2n!))/((n!)^(2))((1)/(2))^(2n)`
B. `1-((2n!))/((n!)^(2))`
C. `1-((2n!))/((n!)^(2))(1)/(4^(n))`
D. None of these

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Correct Answer - C
The required probability is
1- probability of getting equal number of heads and tails

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