Three cards are drawn successively, without replacement from a pack of 52 well shuffied cards. What is the probability that first, second and third cards are jack, queen and kind, respectively ?

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Let events J be first drawn card is jack, Q be second drawn card is queen and K be third drawn card is king.
We have to find the value of `P(JnnQnnK)`
Now,` P(JnnQnnK)=P(J)xxP(Q//J)xxP(K//(JnnQ))`
P(Q/J)=P (drawing queen card if jack card has been drawn) = `1/51`
`P(K//(JnnQ))=P` (drawing king card if jack and queen cards have been drawn)
`So, P(JnnQnnK)=P(J)xxP(Q//J)xxP(K//(JnnQ))`

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